Calallen Dental


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Can Orthodontics Fix Facial Asymmetry?

It is quite common to find that individuals have some level of symmetry on their faces. It really could be as small as one side of your nose being slightly higher than the other side or one side of your jaw being more defined compared to the other. Sometimes, however, we develop facial imperfections such that we start looking for ways to make them look more balanced. You may be surprised to learn that certain orthodontic problems can lead to an uneven face shape. Therefore, in this article, we will get expert advice from Calallen Dental & Orthodontics on the same and learn how to cure this issue!

What Do You Understand By Facial Asymmetry?

Facial asymmetry, in simple terms, is when one half of your face does not look like the other like one eye is higher than the other, or when one side of your lips curves more when you smile.

Here’s an interesting fact: No face is perfectly symmetrical, right? Put the camera to your face, capture the photo, divide the photo into two halves, and invert both halves to reveal two entirely different faces. From the medical point of view, face asymmetry is known without involving photographs or mirrors. It is normally brought about by hereditary factors or other factors such as old age, loss of teeth, or sleeping with the side facing up.

Which Orthodontic Problems Causes Facial Asymmetry?

The uneven placement of our features on the face is usually due to controversial orthodontic problems or jaw alignment problems.

Cross-bites happen when the upper and lower teeth are aligned in the wrong way so that they cannot fit together properly, it can be compared to somebody attempting to close a shoe box with one part of it hanging over the edge of the table. This condition leads to lateral shift of the jaw and hence causes asymmetrical facial structure over time.

Open Bite
An open bite occurs when the upper and lower teeth do not align with each other even when the mouth is shut. Just try to imagine how it feels to want to bite through a sandwich and see the upper and lower teeth do not align. The inability to close the gap will result in the facial muscles making up for all the space, and this will affect the facial structure of a given individual.

When you close your mouth, think of a big, juicy burger. Generally, when you bite, the upper and lower front teeth slightly overlap one another. In an overbite, your upper teeth close over your lower teeth more than they should.

An underbite occurs when the lower jaw protrudes in front of the upper jaw and leads to a side-centered, prominent chin.

Delayed Eruption and Other Problems

Last but not least, it is possible to have improper growth of the teeth, where some may be missing and this would also lead to asymmetrical growth of a human face as well.

This also means that teeth that are different in size and shape or one tooth in contrast to the other in the same dental arch leads to facial asymmetry. If you lose a tooth, your other teeth shift into the space, affecting the facial structure.

How can Orthodontics help?

Depending on the circumstance, your Calallen Dental & Orthodontics will suggest one of the following possibilities after the evaluation of your condition:


Of all the treatments used to manage facial asymmetry, Invisalign is probably the most convenient one. Invisalign is not like traditional metallic braces; it is a removable dental retainer. If needed, you can remove it and use it as planned. It is designed in such a way that it fits on the teeth. Better still, it’s clear! It can be worn discreetly, and people won’t be able to tell that you are wearing it unless you inform them. Another benefit we have is that we can retain our brushing and flossing habits.

Clear Braces

These braces are clear and correlate with their name. They offer an unobtrusive option while not attracting as much attention as some of the metal models. They are created to match your teeth’s color and therefore go with your unique smile. If you want to go even further to have vibrantly visible clear braces, you may choose a neon-colored ligature tie.

Lingual Braces

The main advantage of lingual braces is that they are bonded to the back of your teeth. For this reason, people are unable to see them whenever you smile. If your doctor prescribes lingual braces, it would imply that you will have to make fewer visits to this office.

Traditional Braces

Our team still employs them because they are effective. You’re probably receiving the quickest treatment option we have available if the doctor recommends metal braces. Treatment times for metal braces are typically the shortest. Furthermore, compared to traditional metal braces, contemporary braces are far smaller and more comfortable. Alternatively, metal braces could be the most affordable option as well. They are the least expensive option for you compared to other options.

Summing It Up

Calallen Dental & Orthodontics is aware that maintaining your face’s aesthetic appeal is just as important as fixing any problems with your teeth. Small facial asymmetries caused by orthodontic issues can be corrected with our skilled care through orthodontic treatment. Please get in touch with us right now if you have any queries about the orthodontic problems we handle or the techniques we employ!